1. The basis and scope of the seller's liability to the customer, if the product sold has a physical or legal defect (warranty), are determined in the usual binding provisions of the law, especially in the Civil Code (Articles 556-576 of the Civil Code. Code).
    2. The Seller is obliged to provide the Customer with a Product without defects. Detailed information on the Seller's liability due to Product defects and the Customer's rights are specified on the website of the Internet Store, in the bookmark regarding complaints.
    3. The Customer must file a complaint with the Operator. A complaint can be filed electronically via a contact form.
    4. It is recommended that the Customer provide the following information in the description of the complaint: (1) information and circumstances related to the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of the defect; (2) claiming the method of making the product conform to the Sales Agreement or a statement of price reduction or waiver of the Sales Agreement; (3) the complainant's contact details and (4) the order number - will make it easier and faster for the Seller to handle the complaint. The requirements given in the previous sentence are only recommendations and they do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted other than the recommended description.
    5. The seller will respond to the customer's complaint immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the filing of the complaint. The Seller will inform the Customer individually about how to handle the complaint made individually or he will do it through the Operator. If the Customer, who is a consumer, requests a replacement of the goods or the removal of a defect or has made a statement about the reduction of the price, specifying the amount by which the price will be reduced, and the Seller has not responded to the claim within 14 days calendar, it is believed that he recognized the request as reasonable.
    6. The customer, who exercises warranty rights, is obliged to provide the defective product to the following address: Chytron, 3, Flat/Office 301 1075, Nicosia, Cyprus. In the case of a Customer who is a consumer, the cost of delivering the Product will be covered by the Seller, in the case of a Customer who is not a consumer, the delivery cost will be covered by the Customer.

    1. The Seller gives a special guarantee of satisfaction, which consists in the fact that in case the Customer is not satisfied with the product, he will have the right to make an offer to terminate the Sales Agreement. In the event that the Sales Agreement covers more than one Product and the Customer is authorized to use a Special Warranty Satisfaction only in relation to certain Products covered by this Agreement, when the offer to terminate the Sales Agreement shall be only partial and will refer only to such certain products.
    2. The client mentioned in point 7.1. will be entitled to use the Special Satisfaction of the Guarantee within 21 days from the date indicated in point 5.4 of the Regulation.
    3. The client mentioned in point 7.1. will be entitled to use the Special Satisfaction Guarantee only once in relation to each of the Products offered. The Special Guarantee of Satisfaction relates only to the first Sales Agreement the subject of which was a particular product and does not cover any future Sales Agreement the subject of which is such a product.
    4. The client mentioned in point 7.1. will be entitled to use the Special Satisfaction Guarantee only if the following conditions are met:
      1. The customer has used the product at least once;
      2. The customer used the product in accordance with the instructions for use attached to it, and in particular he did not exceed the recommended doses of the product,
    5. To use the Special Satisfaction Guarantee, the Customer referred to in point 7.1. must:
      1. submit a relevant statement of intent to use the Special Satisfaction Guarantee via a Contact Form,
      2. provide the following information via a contact form: order number, first and last name, street and house number, city, postal code, phone number provided during the order, bank account number, number of packages purchased, total amount of purchase, date of delivery, date of order, weight before treatment, weight after treatment, number of calories taken per day, amount of fluids taken per day, description of product use, observed effects of the supplement Only by submitting all of the foregoing and the completion of the activities shall be equivalent to making an offer to terminate the Sale Agreement.
    6. The Operator, within 30 days of making the statements and providing the data mentioned in point 7.5, will analyze the offer and the data sent and will inform the Client about its acceptance or rejection.
    7. In the event that the Customer uses a Special Satisfaction Guarantee, the Seller will refund to the Customer a price of this Product, but excluding the costs of delivery of the Product. In case the Client mentioned in point 7.1. based on a Sales Agreement, purchased more than one item of a product, then the Seller will refund him only one price of one item of a product. A refund of a price will occur within 14 days of the Customer's notification of acceptance of the offer of a Sales Agreement.
    8. The provisions of this article do not affect or modify the provisions of law or the provisions of regulations regarding the seller's liability for defects in such things.

    1. The customer, who has entered into a distance agreement, may withdraw from the agreement within 14 calendar days without giving reasons and without incurring costs, with the exception of the costs specified in point 9.8 of the Regulation. To keep the deadline it is enough to send a statement before it expires. The declaration of withdrawal from the agreement must be delivered to the Seller directly or through the Operator. The statement can be submitted for example:
      1. in writing to the Operator's address indicated in the Entry Regulations; OR
      2. electronically through a contact form.
    2. An example form of waiver of the agreement is found in appendix no. 2 of the Law on consumer rights and is also available in point 11 of the Regulation and on the website of the Internet Store in the bookmark regarding the waiver of the agreement. A customer can use the form, but it is not mandatory.
    3. The deadline to withdraw from the agreement begins:
      1. for the agreement, on the basis of which the Seller issues a Product and is obliged to transfer a title to the same (for example, the Sales Agreement) - from the moment the Product is taken into possession by the consumer or a third party indicated by him , other than the carrier and in the case of the agreement, which: (1) covers many Products, which are offered separately, in groups or in parts - from the moment of taking ownership of the last product, series or a part ( 2 ) consists in the regular delivery of Products for a certain time - from the moment of receiving the first product in possession.
      2. for other agreements - from the date of termination of the agreement.
    4. In case of withdrawal from a distance agreement, the agreement is considered not concluded.
    5. The seller is obliged to return to the consumer, immediately, but not later than 14 calendar days from the receipt of the consumer's declaration of withdrawal from the agreement, all payments settled by him or her, including the costs of delivery of the product ( with the exception of additional costs resulting from a particular customer's choice of delivery other than the cheapest delivery method available in the Online Store). The seller returns the payment using the same payment method as the consumer used, unless the consumer has explicitly agreed to another method of return, which does not incur any costs. If the Seller has not proposed that he take back the product from the customer himself, he can wait with the return of the payments received from the customer until the moment of receiving the product back or providing a proof of delivery from the customer, depending on which occurs more early.
    6. The Customer is obliged to return the Product to the Seller immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the moment in which he has withdrawn from an agreement, or to give it to the person authorized by the Seller to receive it, unless The seller proposed that he pick up the product himself. To keep the deadline it is enough to return the Product before it expires. The customer can return the product to the following address: Chytron, 3, Flat/Office 301 1075, Nicosia, Cyprus, United Kingdom.
    7. The customer is responsible for the reduction of the value of a product, if this results from its use in a way that exceeds the method necessary to know the nature, features and operation of the product.
    8. Possible expenses related to the Customer's withdrawal from an agreement, which the Customer is obliged to pay:
      1. If the consumer chose a method of delivery of the product other than the cheapest and normal method of delivery in the Internet Store, the Seller is not obliged to return to the consumer the additional costs incurred by him.
      2. The customer bears the direct costs of returning the product.
      3. In the case of a Product, which is a service, the termination of which - by the consumer's explicit request - began before the expiration of the time for waiving the agreement, the consumer, who exercises the right to renounce an agreement. The amount to be paid is calculated in proportion to the goal of the amount fulfilled, calculating the price agreed in an agreement or reward. If the price or reward is excessive, the basis for calculating the amount is the market value of the amount fulfilled.
    9. The right to withdraw from a distance agreement does not apply to a consumer in relation to the following agreements:
      1. (1) the provision of services, if the Seller has provided the service fully based on the clear consent of the customer and the customer has been advised before the review, that after its fulfillment by the seller, he or she would lose the right to withdraw from an agreement ; (2) in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations in the financial market, which the Seller is unable to control and which may occur before the expiry of the period to withdraw from an agreement; (3) in which the subject of review is a non-prefabricated product manufactured to the consumer's specifications or serving his or her individualized needs; (4) in which the subject of the review is a perishable product or with a short "use by" date; (5) in which the object of examination is a product secured in a closed package, which cannot be returned after opening due to health protection or for hygienic reasons, if the package has been opened after insurance; (6) in which the object of examination are the Products, which after delivery, given their nature, are permanently associated with other items; (7) in which the object of examination are alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed with the conclusion of the sales agreement, and the disposition of which can only occur after the lapse of 30 days and whose value depends on the fluctuations of the market. , over which the Seller has no control; (8) in which the consumer expressly requested that the Seller visit him to perform an emergency repair or maintenance; if the Seller also provides services other than the above, which the customer requested to be provided, or if the Seller provides products other than spare parts necessary to carry out repairs or maintenance work related to the services or Additional Products; (9) in which the object of examination is the voice recording or visual recording, or computer software provided in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery; (10) provision of magazines, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription agreement; (11) related to public auction; (12) for the provision of services in the field of accommodation for purposes other than housing, transportation of goods, car rental, catering, services related to relaxing, entertainment, sports and cultural events, if an agreement specifies the date or the period of service provision; (13) for the provision of digital content, which is not stored on a material carrier, if the fulfillment of the amount has begun with the clear consent of the consumer before the end of the term of withdrawal from the agreement and after he has been informed by the seller about the loss of the right to withdraw from an agreement.